Rules Of Personal Finance
To earn money from money. The only way to escape becoming a wage slave for the rest of your life is to set aside savings. The profit on your savings can be used to increase your lifestyle spending, reduce the number of years until you…
Bank Secured Credit Cards
Bank secured credit cards look and work just like traditional credit cards, although they use your bank account as collateral. Anytime you aren’t able to pay your credit card bill at the due date, the bank will take the money out of your account…
American Express Credit Cards
Also known as AMEX, American Express is easily one of the most recognized names in the world of credit cards. Even though many people have Visa or MasterCard credit cards, they are still interested in AMEX. With Visa, MasterCard, and AMEX being the…
What is a Mortgage?
You and I know that Mortgage is a type of loan you borrow to buy house or propery. It seems simple enough, but, as you look into it deeper, it’s awfully complicated stuff. There are many different types of Mortgages, but, major types are Fixed-Rate Loans…
Credit Counselor
Credit repair is big business, and there are many companies that will promise to help you get out of bad credit problems. There are a number of legitimate resources that can help you in improving your credit score but there are also a number of…
Good Financial Habits
Your credit score in some ways is meant to be a snapshot of your overall financial habits – especially your habits surrounding debts and other financial responsibilities. Developing some good financial habits can help your credit score…